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General bibliography and recommended reading:

Articles on this website may cite, reference, or reflect the following sources:

Anselm; Proslogion, 1077-78
Augustine; Confessions, 397-400
Augustine; On the Trinity, c. 400-416
Augustine; On Grace and Free Will
Augustine; The City of God, c. 413-426
Barnhourse, Donald Grey; Exposition of Bible Doctrines, Taking the Epistle to the Romans as a Point of Departure, 1952
Blackburn, Earl, et al; Covenant Theology: A Baptist Distinctive, 2012
Bright, John; A History of Israel (4th edition), 2000
Broadus, John A.; Jesus of Nazareth: I. His Personal Character, II. His Ethical Teachings, III. His Supernatural Works (2nd edition), 1890
Calvin, John; Commentaries, 1540-1557
Calvin, John; Institutes of the Christian Religion, 1559
Edelsheim, Alfred; The Temple and Its Ministry and Services at the Time of Jesus Christ, 1874
Edwards, Jonathan; Freedom of the Will, 1754
Foxcroft, Thomas; The Gospel Ministry, 1717
Henry, Matthew; Commentary on the Whole Bible, 1706
Hodge, Charles; Systematic Theology, 1871
Horton, Michael; Introducing Covenant Theology, 2009
Keil, C.F./Delitzch, Franz; Commentary on the Old Testament, 1861
Keller, Werner; The Bible as History (2nd revised version, William Neil translation), 1980
Lloyd-Jones, Martyn; Life In Christ: Studies in 1 John, 1993
Lloyd-Jones, Martyn; Studies on the Sermon on the Mount, 1976
MacArthur, John; MacArthur New Testament Commentary Series
MacArthur, John; The Gospel According to Jesus, 1988
MacArthur, John/Mayhue, Richard; Biblical Doctrine: A Systematic Summary of Bible Truth, 2016
McGee, J. Vernon; Thru The Bible, 1967-1972
Owen, John; On The Mortification of Sin in Believers, 1656
Packer, J.I.; Knowing God, 1973
Renihan, Samuel; The Mystery of Christ, His Covenant, and His Kingdom, 2019
Sproul, R.C.; Chosen By God, 1994
Sproul, R.C.; St. Andrews Expositional Commentary Series
Sproul, R.C.; The Holiness of God, 1998
Sproul, R.C.; The Truth of the Cross, 2007
Sproul, R.C.; The Meaning of God's Will, 2009
Spurgeon, C.H.; All of Grace, 1886
Spurgeon, C.H.; Around the Wicket Gate, 1889
Spurgeon, C.H.; The Sword and the Trowel, 1865-1889
Stott, John R.W.; The Message of the Sermon on the Mount, 1978
Tozer, A.Z.; Knowledge of the Holy, 1961
Various; Sola Scriptura: The Protestant Position on the Bible, 1995
Various; The Valley of Vision: A Collection of Puritan Prayers (compiled by Arthur Bennett), 1975
Waldron, Samuel; A Modern Exposition of the 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith (5th edition), 2016
Watson, Thomas; A Body of Divinity: Contained in Sermons upon the Westminster Assembly's Catechism


Recommended publishers/booksellers:

Solid Ground Books - committed to finding, uncovering and restoring the best Christian literature from the past and bringing it into the modern world

Banner of Truth - committed to the advancement and dissemination of the knowledge and understanding of the Christian faith

Reformation Heritage Books (Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary) - committed to distributing sound, experiential Reformed and Puritan literature


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