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Jesus Christ
Lord, Savior, God Incarnate

Jesus Christ is the central figure in both Christianity and the whole of history. The Bible explains that He is the embodiment and ultimate revelation of the one, true, living God, the sole source of man’s redemption from sin, and thus the only means of man's reconciliation to a just and holy God.

The man Jesus of Nazareth is literally the incarnation of God the Son, the second Person of the triune God, who condescended to enter human history for the purposes of perfectly revealing God to the world and to accomplish His plan of redemption for sinful humanity.

Conceived miraculously by the Holy Spirit and born of a virgin, Jesus possesses both the divine and human natures. He is the promised Messiah and King of Israel as documented in the Old Testament, and He is the focal point of God's covenant of grace whereby man is redeemed by faith alone. He lived out a perfectly sinless life on earth and sacrificed that life as the sole, substitutionary atonement acceptable to God for the past, present and future sins of mankind. His resurrection and ascension to heaven testified to His divine identity and demonstrated victory over death once for all time. This act guaranteed that those who believe in Him will effectively receive His sinlessness and be justified before God, and will likewise inherit His eternal life. Seated at the right hand of God the Father in heaven interceding on behalf of Christian believers, Jesus will come again at an unknown future date to glorify His church, execute judgment upon the earth, and reign eternally.

The brief articles within this section seek to describe how the person of Jesus, His life and earthly ministry relate to a person’s ability to experience and know God.


    • God the Son

    • Christ the Mediator

    • John 3:16: His Promise of Salvation

    • The "I AMs": His Divine Identity

    • The Sermon on the Mount (Coming soon)

    • The Parables of Jesus

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Scripture Alone • Faith Alone • Grace Alone • Christ Alone • To the Glory of God Alone
Most scripture quotations taken from the New American Standard Bible® (NASB)

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