The Way Is Narrow
The Bottom Line

The bottom line
What everyone needs to know. A summary of the Christian worldview, including essentials about God, Jesus, the state of mankind, and why it all matters.

Sin and its Solution

Who is Jesus?
Jesus Christ is the central figure not only in Christianity but in all of history. His life and work critically relate to one's ability to experience and know God; nothing is more important than how we view Him.

How is a person saved?

How is a person saved?
We do not naturally choose God—our very nature prevents it. How then can we understand the need and value of reconciliation with Him? What must happen for us to attain the gift of heaven?

John 3:16

What John 3:16 tells us
The essence of the gospel is captured in a single Bible verse that outlines the mechanics of salvation: God’s sovereign action, man’s response, and the resulting consequence.

A Starting Point

A starting point
The Christian faith hinges on two foundational principles—that God exists, and the Bible is His genuine word. A rational starting point for those assertions is offered here.

Sin and its Solution

Sin and its solution
What exactly is sin, and what are its consequences according to God? Here is an overview of the biggest problem facing every single person, and its sole solution.

Parables of Jesus

The parables of Jesus
His simple, yet profound metaphorical teachings illustrate and illuminate key facts relating to the salvation of man, the life of the Christian, and the kingdom of God. Each are examined here.

Christian Terminology

Christian terminology
Christians often describe things related to their faith with terms and phrases that are not readily understood by others, and this may work against a clear expression of the gospel message.


"Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it.
For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it." - Matthew 7:13-14

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Most scripture quotations taken from the New American Standard Bible® (NASB)

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