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So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. — Romans 10:17 NKJV


I professed faith in Christ at a fairly early age and for most of my life was convinced that I had a right relationship with God. Over time I realized that what I had done was simply acknowledge the gospel without real trust or meaningful obedience. My life did not really reflect what I had professed to believe, as I had always looked to myself and the things and activities of the world for fulfillment and security instead of Christ.

My conversion experience seemed to unfold over time and I cannot identify the date or remember what I was doing at the moment I was born again. From my perspective it seemed an ongoing process through which God used the people and circumstances of my life and His word to gradually bring me to a place of true conviction, repentance and authentic faith.

For years I had put off reading and embracing scripture, and though this did not sit well with me, I never made it enough of a priority to do anything about it. God caused this shortcoming to increasingly weigh on my mind, and eventually He compelled me not just to read the Bible, but to crave understanding of His word and strive to live in it. There was no lightning bolt, no thundering voice from heaven, just an unexplained drive to begin deep study with a goal of comprehending God’s truth and the salvation that I had claimed to know. I then prayed for patience, discernment and clarity in handling God’s word. Each day more pieces of His truth fell into place and each day I grew in faith. I found that my dependence on self and focus on the things of this world gradually gave way to a dependence on Christ and a focus on the things above. This has resulted in greater fulfillment, security, and eternal perspective in my life, and a purpose and desire to live for God.

It was not until scripture was opened to me and I came to the end of myself that I gained real understanding of who God is, who I am, the consequences of sin and its only solution in Jesus Christ. This is when my professed faith crossed over into saving faith and my trust in Christ became real, and I am thankful for God’s intervention in my life that made it possible. I cannot emphasize strongly enough how important it is for a person to receive and respond to the message of His gospel. If God weighs on your mind, if you sense that He is drawing you in, do not waste another second. Pick up the Bible. Receive His word and you will receive Christ. Repent, believe, and be saved.

Kevin Calbert


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