Home > Jesus > Parables of Jesus > Parable of the Wise and Foolish Builders The Wise and Foolish Builders
The Sermon on the Mount concludes with a stark illustration of the two different fates awaiting those who have received the gospel of Christ, depending on whether or not they have heeded and acted upon its message. The picture is of two men, each constructing a house. The wise man builds his house on the rock while the foolish man builds his on the sand. There is no indication that the houses are different in any other way. Both structures face the same trial in the form of a powerful storm. The house built on the rock endures, while the house built on the sand collapses. The determining factor between success and failure is the builders’ choice of foundation. The rock (Greek petran - bedrock, mass of connected rock) represents Jesus. The sand represents anything else one might put their faith in, such as themselves, other people, wealth, false religions, or the world itself. The message is directed to professing believers who have heard His truth. In receiving the gospel, a person also receives the responsibility to act on it. On the sobering reality that the more you know, the more accountability you have, John Stott writes in an analysis of the Sermon:
The parable shows the importance of not only knowing God’s truth, but what we do in response to it. Simply acknowledging the gospel on an intellectual level does not equate with saving faith. It is by our actions that we demonstrate the true state of our heart. In the previous verses, Jesus had warned that not everyone who calls Him Lord will enter heaven. These illegitimate believers do not stand on the solid foundation of His gospel though they may attend church, tithe, visit widows and orphans, and pray long and loud. Like the apparent sturdiness of the foolish builder’s house, they may appear the model of Christian living, but lacking a repentant heart and placing their complete trust in God, they are simply teetering on the shifting sand and great will be their fall. Just as the wise builder acts on the faith he has in the rock as a reliable foundation site, true believers act in accordance with the real faith they have placed in Jesus Christ as lord and savior. Luke’s version is more specific in describing the wise builder’s preparations, stating that he “dug deep and laid a foundation on the rock,” which shows that the work is not easy. This builder is fully committed, committing to the extra time and effort to do it the right way. Just as a Christian takes up his cross and places his complete trust in Jesus for salvation, the builder goes to great pains to build on the bedrock, trusting in it for the stability of the structure. That the foundation is below the surface and not readily apparent speaks to substance over superficiality. Regardless of outward appearances, it is whether or not a man embraces the gospel truth in his heart that drives his actions and determines his redemptive state. In addition to the parable’s message on salvation, it also highlights the reality that a believer in Christ is equipped through faith to withstand the trials and injustices of this life. Job was grounded in faith and obedience to God, and as a result he was able to survive the calamities Satan threw at him. David endured a multitude of hardships, but by trusting and honoring God he was repeatedly delivered from disaster. The Christian will have tribulation in the world, but they are also strengthened by the fact that Jesus has overcome the world. When the house is tested, the quality of the foundation becomes evident. Jesus outlined the choice for professing believers - to enter through the wide gate or the narrow gate. The wide gate leads to an easy path, the way of no investment or accountability that leads to destruction. Behind the narrow gate is a narrow path that is hard to navigate, but leads to blessing and redemption. Not everyone is capable of staying on it - this is why He tells us to count the cost before following Him. In expending the effort to build on the rock, the wise builder takes the harder path and his house withstands the storm.
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